Tuesday 17 June 2014

Sonnet 154...

...will be posted after 15th August 2014.  "The Open Mouse"  has been given  first bite!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

5th June 1014

Sonnet 153

Cupid - lay down the brand and get to sleep;

Since sterile smooth technology's been found,

Since the cost of actual sex got too steep,

Your lovekindling fire's been forced underground:

Leaving us free to air clean, clear eyed love

And no more messy date nights to endure.

Young blades in hairnets at Sainsbury's* prove

Testosterone's killed by the kindness cure:

He said "I'm your server!" - love's brand new fired;

Fit guy - for trial needs, you can touch the breast

Here's a BOGOF** panting to be desired:

I'll get the room, you'll be my one night guest.

Rhyming STI's with little white lies

Can't stop him filling this housewife's bored eye.

*Supermarket where Laydee Shakespeare writes a lot in the café instead of getting her shopping done.

**Buy One Get One Free - supermarket ploy.

Sunday 1 June 2014

1st June 2014

Sonnet 152

In loving me we both know you're forsworn,

But I am twice the liar love of thee swearing;

You the old bed-vow broke, leaving faith torn,

I vowed old love - it's this new hate I'm bearing.

I won't be accused of what was  broke by thee -

Since my trust in Old Faithful's* not the most,

Swear some teary oaths,  I might show some  kindness -

Oaths of new love, new truth , some constancy;

 Just to enlighten me, give my eyes blindness**,

Make them swear blind it's the real you they see.

Then, swear me fair again my perjured eye -

I'll need some confidence to live this lie.

*Cone geyser in Yellowstone National Park, noted as one of the most predictable geographical features on Earth (erupting almost  every 91 minutes).
